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Welcome to Ayr United Football Club - Scottish Football League Division 1

Welcome to the page on this site for Ayr United Football Club. Ayr United was founded in 1910 after a merger of two clubs called Ayr Parkhouse and Ayr FC and have been called Ayr United ever since that date. The club has a nickname of ‘The Honest Men’ which was taken for the poem Tam o’ Shanter. The club have never won any major cups in their history, but have won many league title in the lower divisions. One of the most famous decisions that the club made which I remember clearly was in the 1980’s when the board decided to knock back David Murray from a take over. He then went onto the buy Rangers FC and put in millions to that club. Who knows where Ayr United could have been today if that take over happened. Buy then again David Murray would not have been so open with his money and probably would have put in just a modest amount.  

Full Name Ayr United Football and Athletic Club Ltd. Badge of Ayr United Football Club
Nickname(s) The Honest Men
Founded 1910
Chairman Lachlan Cameron
Manager Brian Reid
Ground Name Somerset Park
Capacity of Ground 10,128

Over the years Ayr United have spent a great deal of time in the top flight of Scottish football where they mostly spent this time in the lower parts of the league. They have one of the greatest rivalries in Scottish football as their local neighbours are Kilmarnock Football Club. Over the years they have meet a number of times and it’s like all rivalry it’s the fans that feel the passion and really want to do over there local rivals.  Kilmarnock FC will of course thing they are the bigger club, but over the years I would say both are in equal term of size as Ayr United would have a massive support in the players on the park did well and in a way that is way Sir David Murray had his eyes on the club as he could see that the fan base was there if the club did well. Kilmarnock might have the better facilities, but this was mostly because they had to re-build Rugby Park to be allowed to play in the SPL and they are nearly financial ruin if they don’t cut their cloth.

As a team Ayr United will always hold out the respect of the other teams in the leagues and most other fans love going to Somerset Park because they get close to the players and it like going back to the way all of us enjoyed football years ago. I really enjoyed my time supporting the away team at this ground and the atmosphere was truly amazing at times when I visited there for cup games with my club.

One of the best pages on the official Ayr United website is the Chairman's Blob www.ayrunitedfc.co.uk. In the latest blob news on 4th November 2009 (at the time of writing) the chairman was putting his own interest in the club up for sales so the club could move forward. Like all clubs who need a new ground or even just a piece of land to build a new stadium they need the support of the local town. Here hoping that they do receive the support and the fans come out of the wood work to help this team through the years ahead. Also on this blob the chairman was saying that finishing 8 or 9 this season and winning the play off would be a success and would say I have to agree with this statement as the first year for any promoted side in a new league is all about surviving that season and planning for the future years.


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