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Welcome to Partick Thistle Football Club - Scottish Football League Division 1

Welcome to the page on this site for Partick Thistle Football Club. This club is celebrating it's 100th year at firhill this year. They have been around playing football since 1876 and are called Partick Thistle from the days when they played their football in the Partick area of Glasgow.

Full Name

Partick Thistle Football Club

Badge of Partick Thistle

The Jags, The Harry Wraggs, The Maryhill Magyars




Allan Cowan


Ian McCall

Ground Name

Firhill Stadium

Capacity of Ground


Partick Thistle Football Club are based in the Firhill area of Glasgow in Maryhill and are a football club who have been up and down the divisions. They are presently in the first division after finishing second in the league in 2008-09. Partick Thistle are the third Glasgow football team and do gain a lot of supporters because they are in the middle of the Old FIrm divide.

They have a very loyal support and are one of the biggest supported clubs in the first division and out numbers a few in the SPL. They certainly do have the biggest travelling support in the league and would bet more than a few SPL teams with the number of fans the club take to away games. If the team was doing well they would gain supporters out of the wood work like all teams, but probably in greater numbers than people think. In many supporters' mind they are an SPL team if the directors of the club decided to push the boat out, but many years ago they were very badly in debt and were lucky to survive. The supporter of Partick Thistle raised thousands of pounds for the club and the club managed to carrier on without going to the wall or going into administration which the club and fans should be very proud of. More than can be said for other clubs who went down this road.

Nowadays the team is currently manager Ian McCall is doing an excellent job building a team for the present and the future. One of the biggest differences over the last few years with Ian McCall is that players are renewing there contracts and signing two year deals rather than one season deals. With this happening and if Partick do have a good season the players who impressed over the season will not be easy targets for other teams who know they will sign the player for free.

All things going well for the club and the supporters and who comes down from the SPL, Partick Thistle could find themselves in the top level of Scottish football again very soon. Some fans are happy though being in the first division because of the fact they can see the team improving and winning which is not always the case when in the first division. But all clubs have to aim to be in the top division and i am sure most SPL chairman would welcome Partick Thistle to the top flight as they do have one of the best travelling supports outside of the Old Firm.

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