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Welcome to Berwick Rangers Football Club - Scottish Football League Division 3

Welcome to the page on this site for Berwick Rangers Football Club.This club has a great history and was founded way back in 1884. An amazing fact about this club it is the only team that is location in England to play in the top leagues of Scottish Football. This club have got a few nicknames as you can see below, but the official nickname is 'The Borderers' because of the location Berwick they are on the Scottish - English border.

The club official website states that Berwick Rangers are famous for two things. One of them is being based in England and playing in Scotland and the other is beating Rangers in a Scottish Cup clash in 1967. This game is also when Shielfield Park the home of Berwick Rangers got is record home attendance of 13,365. Must say this was a great victory and as they also stated on the website this was really one of the biggest shocks in world football at the time and still is if you are old enough to remember it. Their manager at the time of this amazing victory was none other than Jock Wallace who went to manager 'Glasgow' Rangers only 3 years later.

Full Name Berwick Rangers Football Club
Nickname(s) The Borderers, The Black & Gold, The Dream Team, "The Wee Gers"
Founded 1884
Chairman Brian Porteous
Manager Jimmy Crease
Ground Name Shielfield Park
Capacity of Ground 4131

Berwick Rangers have in their history only won two league titles. One is 1978/79 when they won the Second Division and more recently in 2006/07 when they won the Third Division. This club is very proud of its root and still retain membership to the Northumberland FA while playing in the SFL. They have been full members of the Scottish Football League since 1951/52 when they we elected to compete with all the other teams in Scottish Football and are also very proud of this fact.

The club is run by it supporters and this make the team heart of the community and they try their upmost to bring in all the local players they can and support all the local businesses. This bring is a spirit to the club which is excellent and really more teams within Scotland should follow in this method as helping the local community will only help the team on and off the park.

Berwick Rangers play all their home games at Shielfield Park since 1954. Before that they moved around and played where the could. Their game is a 'traditional' football venue again because of the fact you are close to the pitch and with terrancing that we all used to love going to. Over the years I have been to this ground on a few occiasion - mostly in the Scottish Cup. I have also been to their social club just outside the ground and had many a pint in there. When I went there it was of courses 'English' lager was sold and not the traditional Tennents that we were used to in put up 'North'.



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